Turkmen Rug : 素材:ウール ◆生産AFGHAN
経糸 : 302cm / 緯糸 : 195cm / 厚み : 6mm
◆構造 : 手織 ◆ クリーニング済みです! ◆お手入れ : 掃除機可能
◆ 説明
Bokara or khal Mohammadi rugs are named after the city where they were sold. These rugs were made by Turkoman tribes, and these weavers gave the rug its distinctive design. At the end of the 20th century, carpet weaving in Turkmenistan had become one of the most important sectors of the economy. Red, in various shades is the color they are known for together with their fine and silky weave. These famous Bokhara designs have been copied over the years by weavers in Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
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